Besides the obvious tasks of going over procedures, rules, and expectations for the computer lab, I would always do some of these other basic tasks and activities with the students as well at the beginning of each new school year.
I hope these ideas and sites are helpful. Please do not hesitate to contact me and ask questions for any other Ed Tech ideas. I'm happy to help!
Grades K-1
Many of these students may have never used a computer before. Thus, they need to learn the basic skills of using a keyboard and a mouse properly. I have many links on my Live Binder site via the Purple tabs. However, here are a few sites that I love to begin with for this age group:
Grades 2-5
These students may need to review skills such as using a keyboard/mouse, navigating the Internet, and/or basic typing skills. The Purple and Brown tabs via my Live Binder site have many great sites for helping students review and showcase basic computer skills. Here are a few of my favorites: