Showing posts with label kindergarten. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kindergarten. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Starting the Year in the Elementary Computer Lab

Besides the obvious tasks of going over procedures, rules, and expectations for the computer lab, I would always do some of these other basic tasks and activities with the students as well at the beginning of each new school year. 

I hope these ideas and sites are helpful. Please do not hesitate to contact me and ask questions for any other Ed Tech ideas. I'm happy to help! 

Grades K-1

Many of these students may have never used a computer before. Thus, they need to learn the basic skills of using a keyboard and a mouse properly. I have many links on my Live Binder site via the Purple tabs. However, here are a few sites that I love to begin with for this age group: 

Grades 2-5

These students may need to review skills such as using a keyboard/mouse, navigating the Internet, and/or basic typing skills. The Purple and Brown tabs via my Live Binder site have many great sites for helping students review and showcase basic computer skills. Here are a few of my favorites: 

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Pinteresting Digraphs...and a Request

Recently I began tutoring a little girl. She is super sweet! It seems that one of the main areas that I am seeing her struggle with are digraphs (blends). Thus, I decided to look up some great resources to help me help her. Below are links to many Pinterest resources regarding Digraphs.
However, if you know of any more ideas or resources, please let me know. I would love to hear them!
I also have a request. This is my 199th Blog post! The blog has also now officially hit over 30,000 views!! Thank you so much to all of you who read and support this blog. I could not have done it without you!
I will be posting a BIG giveaway to celebrate these milestones, before April ends. However, I am need of more contributions. Please click the link below if you are willing to contribute in any way. I thank you all in advance!
Have a wonderful day!


Thursday, February 7, 2013

My New Bulletin Board!

I decided that since the school year is half over, that it was time for a new theme for my bulletin board outside my computer lab. It's a very large board, so the possibilities are endless!
My previous board tied in with my lab's Social Media theme. It was a giant Facebook page.
Well, my new board is as close to a Pinterest page as I could create. Each board is a different grade level, featuring projects that students have created in the lab. I also have a board titled "I Heart Technology". This is a board that features hearts from teachers. On the hearts they wrote various technology related tidbits: favorite websites, technology goals, memories of technology as a child, etc. This way the students can see that teachers and staff use technology often as well. I will post some pictures of those hearts in a different post.
I will also post more details about some of the student projects in a future post. For now, enjoy these pictures. I am super proud of my students and their hard work!



P.S. On a personal side note, Happy 5th Birthday to my beautiful daughter, Elizabeth!! Daddy and I are so proud of you and love you lots!

Monday, September 10, 2012

God Bless Kindergarten Teachers!

This year, I am teaching K-4 Computers. Last year, I taught grades K-5. Either way, Kindergartners wear me out sometimes!
I have nothing against those little cuties. They are eager to learn and absolutely LOVE playing on the computer! I honestly do not know how Kindergarten teachers keep up with them all day! God Bless them! I only have them once a week for 45 min. and they often can wear me out.
I get a mixed bag when Kindergartners come into my lab for the first time. Some know what a computer is and how to work it, most likely because they've used one somewhere before. Others barely know what a computer is.
This year it seems I have even more students who don't understand the correlation between how moving the mouse also moves the pointer on the screen. Then there's the whole issue of making sure they know left from right so that they will click the correct mouse button.
This year, I got smarter! I took a silver Sharpie marker, and I drew a Star on the left mouse button for every single computer. It's helping so much! I've also seen a small sticker placed on that button before, and that seems to help, too.
We really work hard at just the basics of learning how to use the mouse and how to navigate the Internet. It sometimes takes a few weeks, but they usually do learn quickly.
I am including some great online activities for Kindergarten. Of course, many of these can be used at other grades, too. I hope these are useful. Enjoy!!


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