Showing posts with label personal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label personal. Show all posts

Sunday, April 27, 2014

BRIEF note...and a request! GIVEAWAY time...

Hello everyone!! I'm sorry for the LONG delay in posting. 
Here's the scoop: 

I took a new teaching job on in late February. I am teaching full time as a 2nd grade teacher at an inner city charter school in Kansas City. Thus, I've been VERY busy! 

It's been very hard to find time to blog. For that, I do apologize! 
You may ALWAYS continue to keep up with me, however, via TWITTER and FACEBOOK

Speaking of Facebook, my page recently hit 500 fans! YAY! Thanks everyone! 

I want to hold a BIG giveaway ASAP to celebrate, but I need some help. 

If you are able to donate any type of educational product, please visit the link below. I would greatly appreciate it! 

Thanks again everyone and I hope to post again soon! I will definitely post when the giveaway is up and running so...Stay tuned! 


Tuesday, February 11, 2014

NEW Format and Direction!? IMPORTANT!

Hello everyone! 

After two years on here, I am thinking about changing directions in regards to blogging, etc. 

I LOVE being able to share as many educational links, ideas, and resources as possible with everyone. However, I will admit...I am terrible about blogging regularly or efficiently!!

So, for now, you will see less posts on here. I will still try to add some every so often. 

I am also thinking of starting a new blog or site instead. I am passionate about so many things, with education being my top one. I would LOVE to share my other fabulous finds and ideas with you as well. Once I decide what I am going to do, I will be sure to share it here!!!

For now, please follow me on FACEBOOK and TWITTER ! I share ideas and links DAILY! 

You can also find me on Pinterest

I thank you wholeheartedly for following my blog and I hope you will continue to do so, as well as join me on Facebook! 

Thanks Dearly, 


Saturday, December 7, 2013

Merry Christmas and a Thank You: GIVEAWAY!

Thank you sometimes does not seem like enough for all of you that follow me on here, Twitter, Facebook, etc. I truly am grateful for such an amazing online PLN!

To say Merry Christmas and to show my thanks, I am holding a giveaway! This Giveaway will run from December 7-10. This way, the prizes can be awarded and hopefully used before Holiday breaks begin. I am giving away the following to one lucky winner:

Please enter, Share, and Good luck to all! Again, Thank You!!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

My Testing Rant

Even though I'm not teaching this year, I still have very strong feelings towards Common Core and High Stakes Testing. This is mostly due to the fact that as the elementary computer teacher the last two years, the school I was at tested WAY too much! This was especially true last year. 

This was true before the Common Core Standards became mandatory as of this year. I fear for those kids this year as to how much more testing they may have ended up with. 
The reason I was the one giving the majority of the tests was due to the fact that the tests we took were all computer based. The kids were stressed as they took 2-3 big, lengthy, and repetitive standardized tests per quarter! This was in Grades 1 and up! 

The kids also hated the fact that they hardly had fun in computer class anymore. They wanted to learn with me! They wanted to enjoy the technology skills being taught. They knew I was frustrated as well but we all knew we could do nothing about it. We all knew the testing was mandated by people higher than the teachers and few administrators who actually understood what the constant testing was doing to students and teachers. We all just had to muddle through and do our best jobs!

Now, Missouri's annual state test, the MAP, was not computerized...yet. That used to be the main test given. However, more and more schools add too many other standardized tests throughout the year that I worry that by the time the "real" test is given in the spring, students will be "checked out". 

I understand and support the importance for testing. I know it's necessary to gauge learning and to help focus on areas of need in academics. But the trend lately has been creating a "testing overkill"!

As a teacher and a mother, I've seen first hand what too many tests does to schools, teachers, and students. It's unnecessary and takes away way too much time from main purpose of education: Learning! There is no need to spend the time and money on these high stakes tests. The money could be used better elsewhere: funding schools, teacher salaries, technologies, etc.

Give us our schools back! Trust teachers more! After all, they know best how to run a classroom, teach objectives, differentiate learning, and how to create lifelong learners.

Teaching students to pass a test does nothing to help them succeed in the real world. CCSS do not properly prepare our students for life post K12. If you want to have a national set of standards, then have actual educators create them. DO NOT make them so test focused and never, ever tie teachers' jobs and salaries to these tests either!

Education in this country has really declined ever since NCLB came about. We need to fix things fast or I fear for the future of the United States once this new generation of "test takers" enters the real world completely unprepared.

My oldest child just started kindergarten a few weeks ago. I worry for her and my son as they progress through school in this new "testing era". I plan to work with them at home as much as needed to ensure they are getting all of the necessary skills that CCSS most likely will not provide. 

Why can't education just go back to the way things were when I was a kid? I mean, of course, there would be a few necessary additions to account for the changes in the world, but we didn't have all of this testing as often as it's given. 

What are things like where you live? From what I see, this is a common theme across the country. 

I just wish there was more we could do as parents and educators. When will the government and school administrators truly understand what all of this is doing to our society?

Thanks for listening! 

Check out these supplemental pics and links below: 

Friday, May 31, 2013

May's Most Popular Posts

Today is my last day of school!! YAY! However, it's a very bittersweet last day this year. 

I am leaving teaching after today to be a stay at home mom. I am VERY excited for this new journey as it's something I've wanted to be able to do for over 5 years now. 

I love teaching and education, thus leaving the classroom is going to be very weird come August when schools start back up. However, I will always be a teacher. I will continue to teach my own children daily as they learn new and exciting things in their own lives. I also tutor on the side so that will help keep my love for the profession alive! 

I plan to continue my blogging and PLN journey, and in fact, I will have even more time to devote to it all! 

I want to say thank you to the hundreds (if not thousands) of kids, teachers, staff, and friends I've encountered and worked with in my 8 years of teaching. I've taught elementary computers, 4th Grade, and 5th Grade and have enjoyed all of it immensely. 

Who knows where life will lead: maybe I'll return to the classroom one day. In the meantime, I plan to enjoy every moment that I can with my son and daughter. 

I hope everyone had a fantastic school year! Enjoy your summer!

Enjoy the most popular posts from this month: 


May 10, 2013, 2 comments
Feb 25, 2012, 2 comments
Feb 27, 2013, 5 comments
Jul 12, 2012, 2 comments
Jun 14, 2012, 2 comments


May 24, 2013, 2 comments
Nov 14, 2012
Apr 10, 2013, 2 comments
May 24, 2013


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